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zmhk 2024-05-17
temperature_temperature中文翻译       大家好,很高兴能够为大家解答这个temperature问题集合。我将根据我的知识和经验,为每个问题提供清晰和详细的回答,并分享一些相关的案例和研究成果,以促进大家的学习和思





       temperature[英][?tempr?t(r)] [美][?t?mp?rtr,-t,?t?mpr?-]





       以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

       柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义

       1.N-VAR温度;气温The temperature of something is a measure of how hot or cold it is.

       The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade...

       阴凉处的温度骤升至100 多度。

       The temperature of the water was about 40 degrees...

       水温大约 40 度。

       Coping with severe drops in temperature can be very difficult.


       2.N-UNCOUNT体温Your temperature is the temperature of your body.




       Planck temperature普朗克温度

       temperature difference[电][气象]温差 ; 温度差 ;?翻译?


       PT:What should my temperature be?


       At this temperature.


       If we go to low temperature, it might look more like this.


       temperature 双语例句

       1. The thermal imbalance test of the panel and high temperature reheater was carried out.


       2. At present, the method for calculating the tube wall temperature in a furnace chamber is not exact.


       3. The cause of over-temperature of gasification furnace wall is analyzed.


       4. With over-temperature alarm system to ensure equipment safety.


       5. This feature eliminates the need for a separate temperature sensor for over-temperature monitoring.

